Check out Bad Boys Bail Bonds Hilarious commercial. With thousands of views, their video commercials are attracting a "cult-like" following.
Bad Bad Bad Boys Bail Bonds...
Chillin' in the house watchin' tv...
Heard a knock on the door, I thought who could that be..
Open the door, the cops where on point with a warrant for my arrest...
Man o Man try to get me some rest...
Next thing I know, I'm in the county jail...
It never fails that Bad Boys Need Bail...
Bad Boys Bail Bonds is who I called...
They're the courtiest and services to Top them all...
They worked it all out with a call on the phone...
and before I knew it, I was free to roll...
Bad Boy Bail Bonds, Thank you for the Call...
Baby, Cause Your Mama Wants You Home!